the party supposed to start @ 7.00pm...
a lot of pple arrived late...including me...
of course i dont have the intention to come late...
i was cooking home LOL...
so i went there around 8.20pm and i thought i was the latest....
but shae wasn't here yet...
and guess what... nana was even later...hhahahah....
she was lost on the roads...for 3++ hours...LOL...
we got so hungry we ate first ...sorry nana....we did ask for your permission first hahahah...
so ngam...there is only 1 main course...which is my pasta ahhahaha.....
everyone ate like there is no tomorrow ahhha...
it taste good~~~~~~~~~~
this is actually my first time cooking for my friends...hehe...
and it turned out edible so ok la ahhaha....
then we tried the tortilla sauce shae made....
he was so mad seeking revenge in us for putting Chilli Padis LOTS OF THEM....
your first bite will be tasty...but as time passes....
there comes the pain on the tongue...
everyone was like water..water..water...~~~!!!!
then the smart junior suggested sip some milk to cool of the tongue hehe...
well...i didnt do that ahhha....i am a MAN ma...only june and junior did...hehe....
even june's mom tried it and she said it was spicy and we were laughing our ass out downstairs...
around 10.30pm++ nana arrived....LOL....
she is 3hours +++ late...kesian her....
but reagan left....cause he got plans with his other friends....
nana brought in the KFC & sushi
so we started MakAniNg...agian 2nd round lol...
as usual...we will be taking pictures....ahhaha but it is not with me now...
june and shae has will upload it later...
nana brought this hazelnut syrup which she asked us to mix it in the coffee...
smells like dessert to me actually...
oh ya...june made this dessert...
she put vanilla ice-cream , oreos , white choc , black choc , and some ice cubes..
taste good....
after that we chatted........while waiting for jay...
jay was our last minute guest...just came to have some fun...
then we chatted......chatted.....chatted.....
and shannon's main game that night was LOCKING PPLE OUT of junes's house...
omg he darn lame lo....
there are 3 entrances in her house
1. the front door...
2. the garden entrance
3. the back entrance [kitchen]
so the victims are...Nana, me and jay basically...
shae and june did try out junior's beatle car LOL...
after a while we played some congkak and uno stacko...
and that was our night there....
fun though hhaha...